Monday, April 11, 2022

No God? -- Win-Win

No God? – Win-Win


1.  If there is no God and God is gone from society, then there are no standards save individuals taking themselves as their own ideal.  People are then freed to pursue and indulge in nearly everything for which they have an appetite with no guilt and no standard but their own.  -  Win #1 for the people and their appetites.


2.  If there is no God and God is gone from society then there are no natural or “god given” rights.  If there are no God given rights then there is no right that supersedes the rights the government grants or withdraws.  Win #2 for the government.


So, while people are busy bathing in a culture that indulges every hunger, craving, passion and urge, the Government is busy gathering up your natural rights because as a reflection of “the people” they too are indulging their every hunger, craving, passion, and urge all because there is no God and they too have no standard but their own.


Seems like an awful recipe!





John The-Not-So-Beloved

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