Saturday, August 17, 2024

If You're Waiting for a Prophecy…

“Surely the Lord God will do nothing until he reveals the secret unto his servants the prophets.” (Amos 1:9)


“Covenant of Christ (like the Book of Mormon) is NOT a history. It is instead a prophecy. 

I’d suggest reading Covenant of Christ as if it were a new message and see what it tells you about our present circumstances. The book is for and about us. It is not history. It is prophecy and warning for us at this very moment in time. It was clarified for the very generation when the book’s message was intended to be understood. Read it to try to understand what it is telling you.” (DS Blogpost Discussing Covenant of Christ 8/14/24)


Get the picture? 


He’s already warned us!! 


We’re just being reminded.


“I saw a train approaching from uphill in the distance coming downhill rapidly, and it seemed to be going far too fast to safely negotiate the sharp bend in the tracks.” (T&C 172:1)


Likely, the troubling season now fast approaching has reached the curve. 


“And I, the Lord your God, will be with you and will never forsake you, and I will lead you in the path which will bring peace to you in the troubling season now fast approaching.” (T&C 158:12)






John The-Not-So-Beloved

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