Don’t be Hard-Hearted
In part, our glossary of gospel terms defines Hardness-of-Heart in this way –
Hardness of Heart
“…Do ye not remember the thing which the Lord hath said, If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with diligence in keeping my commandments, surely these things shall be made known unto you? (1 Nephi 4:2). [check – this I remember]
Hardness of heart is usually accompanied by a hardness of head; that is, people tend to not be willing to live in accordance with principles, even though they want to know about them. They are often more curious than they are obedient, becoming voyeurs rather than visionaries. [this I may be skating on a bit – It’s the old LDS self in me conquering my efforts. -- Love to have the recipe, hate to actually bake the cake] Oddly enough, one’s curiosity gets satisfied as he obeys — but man is usually unwilling to make that exchange….”
You probably don’t consider yourself to be particularly hard hearted – or are at least making an attempt to have an open heart.
Don’t forget to complete all the steps to an open heart – in particular this one - “Whenever we learn more, we must change to reflect what we have just gained. Change is the heart of repentance.”
In a gospel sense - I study a lot, I pray a lot, I learn a lot, I ponder a lot, I see a lot, etc. But oft I fail to change a lot. That sucks! I like to know shit cause that's what I do - Got to work on doing it!
John The-Not-So-Beloved.
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