Saturday, September 24, 2022

The Difference-Deference Dilemma - a poem

The Difference-Deference Dilemma


It’s not our Difference that divides us

In things we think and see

It’s our Deference to a leader

That guides who we will be


Does our Deference cause our Difference

Or other way around?

Does our Difference cause our Deference 

Not sure which way is sound


If one Defers to Mickey

Then Minnie Mouse is best

But Juliet is sweller

If Romeo’s the test


The problem you’re presented

And one you must embrace

Is choosing who you’ll follow

In whom you place your faith


If Difference guides your Deference

Then tribal is your way

If Deference tops your Difference

With him who leads you’ll stay


A conundrum that is vexing

Which path is best to take?

Which leader shall I follow?

Eternity at stake


The answer is quite simple

It’s Him who paid the price

The one that you must follow

We simply call him Christ




John The-Not-So-Beloved

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